Welcome to my Shit List! (aka the Dumpster)

This isn't a typical whiney "DNI" list. You can still view my account no matter what you believe in.

Just don't expect me to follow or support you if you really like some things I don't like or if the thing you are into is... illegal.

I also am very reluctant to block people because I accept criticism, jokes, trolling, and hate. I only block if you go on a very big harassment spree or really fuck up.

I am just going to clarify that in case anyone is confused and this is not 100% standerd either.

Basic stuff

Notice how I didn't put "Pro-Life" people.

and even as a Pro-Choice person, Pro-Life people do have some good arguements and I think both are case by case.

Series I hate

Other things I hate


Even as someone who is a SFW account, I still allow people to get horny over things, these are the exceptions.