This is the title of my webpage

Spacey your slightly above average 10th grade student in High School and this is beong made in HTML!

This is heading 1

This is heading 2

This is heading 3

This is heading 4

This is heading 5
This is heading 6

I am learning how to use the horizontal rule headline, headline, line breaks, and paragraphs. Writing in HTML isn't as hard as it appears

Here's a list of items I like about school:

Favorite Class? Well duh its Web design/Multimedia
Second Favorite? Art (even though some of the students probobly have a criminal record)
But most of all- Falcon LUNCH!



Special! BOLD underlined Italicized Rub a dub a sub script 3some!!!!

I also have the power of making lists with both numbers and bullets. Here is an example of it with numbers

  1. Item 1
  2. Item 2
  3. Item 3

Food fun!


South West Airlines United Airlines
TheletterA Sohot RockOn HiRez DoomOnABike Wed mousegif TheSimpHasFallenForTheEmail MrEnterNickORama

Epical Graphx

The magical Table
Fun Fact: You don't have to save jpgs or gifs. You can just copy links Right click > Copy Image adress > paste in the prentices The Cheat's keyboard is a Casio SK-1 portable sampling keyboard. Round 13 from Pac-Man Arangement 1996. Cover to the 3rd issue of Scud the disposable assaian
More info on Chack'n An archive of the offical Sonic Unleashed website More info on The Cassio Keyboard Pac-Man Arangement Gameplay The offical Scud website

My Hobbies

Personally I really like to walk around our neighborhood and meet people. I also really like to watch Youtube as well mainly when things get boring. Music is also my jam! I like Rock, Jazz, Metal, Techno, and Video Game OSTs. I also sometimes go to the gym as well at Planet Fitness.

But! If there is one thing I really like it is to play


I play a lot of video games on my Switch, PC, and Wii and it is really fun! I sometimes spend hours on games.